Sacramento County












General A. M. Winn was born in Loudon county, Virginia, April  27, 1810, his death occurring on the 26th August, 1883, in Sonoma county. He was 73 years and 4 months old, having more than scored the biblical “threescore years and ten.” There was a poetic sentiment in laying the old pioneer to rest in the home of his earlier endeavors, Sacramento, where the waters of the river of that name will sing his perpetual requiem.

He saw California spring from a territorial condition to statehood; was present at its birth and baptism, and witnessed its growth till a world stood aghast on beholding the young Giant of the Pacific. General Winn’s first official position was as a member of the Capital City’s Council, and on the death of Sacramento’s first Mayor he was chosen to that responsible position. In the ’49 days he was President of the Relief Association of Odd Fellows, which was organized for the benefit of the sick and destitute brethren of that charitable Order. General Winn, through life, felt the impulses of Charity, and his life was a practical illustration of the fact that through deeds and not through mere professions are her works felt. Almost simultaneously with the organization of the Relief Association, the Masons and Odd Fellows of Sacramento instituted a hospital for the benefit ef (sic) the sick and destitute members of those organizations, and General Winn was foremost in the movement.

General Winn, in June, 1850, as Brigadier-General, issued a proclamation to his command to appropriately celebrate the approaching Fourth of July. The exact date of the proclamation was June 29, 1850, and on the same date in 1885, 35 years later, at the Bay City of California, he issued a call to the young native Californians to meet, to organize an association or order, from which grew the Native Sons of the Golden West.

In 1860, General Winn took up his residence in San Francisco, remaining there until a few years before his death. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 238, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






Sacramento County Biographies

Golden Nugget Library