Sacramento County








     FREDERICK W. WING.--A leader among Galt’s progressive business men, Frederick W. Wing has done much to mould public opinion through the columns of his live weekly paper, the “Galt Herald.”  He was born in Syracuse, N. Y., August 24, 1886, the son of Abel and Anna (Ripley) Wing, both natives of the Empire state.  The father, who was for many years a well-known undertaker, is now deceased and Mrs. Wing now makes her home in Calgary, Canada.  They were the parents of nice children, five sons and four daughters, and seven of the family are still living.

     Although not favored with great opportunities for an education, Frederick W. Wing did not allow this to handicap him, but by vigilant night work and constant study he acquired a broad foundation that has been the basis of his success in the journalistic world.  At the age of thirteen he started to learn the printing business, working for some time at Fayetteville, N. Y., and than going to Courtland, N. Y., where he worked on the “Courtland News.”  From there he went to Buffalo, N. Y., and then to Chicago, Ill., where he worked on the “Examiner” for some time.  He then traveled extensively, doing newspaper work all over the United States and Canada, adding to his store of knowledge and gaining an invaluable experience.  For Three years he lived in Fargo, N. D., where he was business manager of the “Fargo Daily News,” and on coming to Galt in 1920 he purchased the “Galt Herald” from William Botzbach; and he has built up a splendid weekly paper with a subscription list of 1,150, and steadily growing.  Mr. Wing has been selected by the California Transit Company as manager of the stage depot, which through his efforts has been moved from its location on the highway to the Sawyer block in the business district of Galt.

     Progressive and public-spirited, Mr. Wing organized and conducted the Galt “Booster” trip in 1921 and had twenty-five automobile loads of people who traveled over Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties, advertising the advantages that Galt has to offer; in 1922 forty car loads made the trip and much interest was evinced by the local people in this excellent publicity.  Mr. Wing also started the movement through the columns of his paper that eventually defeated the late county charter. He organized and conducted mass meetings in various parts of the county, debating with the proponents of the charter, and the sentiment against it grew until the final election showed his efforts successful.

     At Terre Haute, Ind., August 11, 1907, Mr. Wing was married to Miss Emily S. Walter, born at Amherst, Ohio, the daughter of Waldemar Alexander and Selma (Gundert) Walter.  Her father, who was a Presbyterian minister, is now deceased and her mother makes her home at Ann Arbor, Mich.  Mr. Wing is president of the Galt Chamber of commerce and he is giving his best efforts and time to constructive measures that will make for the progress of his adopted city.



Transcribed by Patricia Seabolt.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 616.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Patricia Seabolt.




Sacramento County Biographies