Sacramento County








      HAL E. WILLIS.—Sound judgment, combined with fine business ability, has enabled Hal E. Willis, the well-known general agent of the San Francisco-Sacramento Electric Railroad, to obtain a substantial success in life. He is one of California’s native sons, born in San Francisco, March 26, 1886, a son of C. H. and Florence M. (Church) Willis. At the usual school age, he entered the grammar schools of San Francisco; later, when the family removed to Berkeley, he was graduated from the Berkeley high school. Immediately following his graduation he became an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and was put to work in the general office of the company; in 1906 he resigned his position of traveling auditor of the company and became traveling auditor with the Northern Electric Company; later he was made chief clerk of the traffic department; in 1908 he was auditor of freight and passenger accounts of the Central California Traction Company. In 1911 he removed to Verdi, Nev., where he became traffic and sales manager with the Verdi Lumber Company, remaining in that postion (sic) until 1916, when he returned to San Francisco and became traveling freight and passenger agent for the San Francisco-Sacramento Electric Railroad; later he was promoted to his present position of general agent of the company with headquarters at Sacramento.

      Mr. Willis was united in marriage with Mrs. Mary C. (Hollihan) Powers, a native of San Francisco, and they are the parents of one son, Charles H. Mr. Willis believes in the principles of the Republican party and thus casts his vote. He is associated fraternally with the B. P. O. Elks and locally supports the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club.



Transcribed 8-20-07 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 996.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.




Sacramento County Biographies