Charles August Wickstrom


Charles August Wickstrom was born in Sweden, in 1855, his parents being Zacris and Katrina (Klaus) Wickstrom. They came to America in 1878, and are now living in Clay County, Dakota, being owners of 480 acres in that State. They have four sons there and one daughter in Sweden.  Grandparents Wickstrom lived to a good old age, the husband being over eighty and the wife being over seventy when they died. Charles A. preceded the other members of his family, arriving in California in 1875. He first went to mining near Gibsonville, Sierra County, and afterward in Nevada County. He spent about five years in mining, and at one time had accumulated quite a sum, but lost it again. In 1881 he came down to San Francisco and went into the theatrical business, running the Coliseum with its accessories, in which he has been successful. He exchanged the Coliseum theatre for other property in 1884, and on September 9, 1885, he bought 100 acres on Grand Island, about five miles above Isleton. He has six acres in fruit and raises some vegetables, chiefly beans. He has a comfortable home on the place, and enjoys a county life, busying himself with various improvements, and spending on his place all the time he can without prejudice to his business interests in San Francisco. Mr. Wickstrom was married in 1881 to Miss Liesetta Huth, born in Germany 1861, daughter of Johannes and Ann Margareta (Rudolph) Huth, now of San Francisco, where they have three sons and three daughters besides Mrs.

Wickstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Wickstrom are the parents of two children:

Charles Gottfried, born June 12, 1882; Lillie, September 22, 1887. Mr. Wickstrom is a member of Druid Grove No. 15, in San Francisco, and of the Swedish Society of that city.

Transcribed by Marla Fitzsimmons.

Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 464-465. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies