Sacramento County






      To attain success in any field of labor the qualities of perseverance and concentration are requisite, and particularly is this true of a career which demands the mastery and enforcement of technical details.  In the field where he has labored for many years, Professor Werner has won merit which is unquestionably due him and by his wide circle of patrons in Sacramento and former locations is known as a man of sterling qualities, fully worthy of the trusts which are placed in his keeping. 

      Born April 13, 1861, in Magdeburg, Germany, Charles Werner grew up in his native city and when seventeen he graduated from high school, whereupon he entered a college of dermatology and academy of coiffure, completing his studies in 1881.  Fully prepared for the work in which he desired to engage he then went to St. Petersburg, Russia, and continued in business for two years, then going to Vienna, Austria, where he continued to follow his profession.  A year later he located in Stockholm, Sweden, from there going to Christiana, Norway, where he followed his profession for about one year.  Upon receiving an excellent offer from a leading hair-dressing house in London, he removed to that city and during the succeeding two years spent his winters in London and his summers in his employer's branch shop in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.  In 1884 he became connected with a large and fashionable concern in New York City, remaining in that metropolis through the winters and during the summers was employed at the Casino at Newport, R. I.  In 1889, having met with unqualified success in his profession and his services being desired by leading houses throughout the United States, he resolved to establish a business in the west, and to that end journeyed to San Francisco, where he spent two years prior to opening his present attractive quarters, equipped with all modern appliances necessary in the exercise of his vocation.  He is well and favorably known as a leading hair and scalp specialist in the Sacramento valley, and backed by years of training and experience enjoys increasing success. 

      March 15, 1891, Professor Werner was united in marriage with Miss Minnie Herberger, of San Francisco, the ceremony taking place in that city, and throughout the years that preceded her death, September 24, 1907, their mutual interests enabled them to enjoy perfect companionship.  Mr. Werner is an active member of the Independent Order of Red Men and the Fraternal Brotherhood and maintains a deep interest in all public matters of importance.  Politically he is an Independent, prompt to recognize the merits of prospective candidates, and as a Protestant, is sincere and practical in his religion.


Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Page 616.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2005 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies