Sacramento County








      HARRY G. WATERMAN.--An experienced, progressive plumbing contractor and dealer in gas appliances who has come to be widely and favorably known for his success in carrying out to the letter the most extensive, responsible and difficult of contracts, is Harry G. Waterman, of 1121 Tenth Street, Sacramento, in which city he was born, on November 26, 1878.  His father, William F. Waterman, came across the plains to California in 1851, mined for a while, and then teamed to the Nevada country; and for thirty-eight years he was in the pioneer Sperry flour mills, in Sacramento.  He had married Miss Emma Smith, who is still living at the age of almost eighty-two.  Like his good wife, Mr. Waterman made many friends; and when he died, in 1915, he was widely mourned.

            Harry Waterman went to the public schools, and on starting out in the world, he entered the service of the Southern Pacific Railroad, being employed in their shops, and then he learned the plumbers’ trade under Waterman, Davis & Curtis, his brother Frank being one of the four.  After eight years, however, he engaged in business for himself, opening his own shop as long ago as 1908.  He has been phenomenally successful, getting his full share of the work hereabouts, and has done, among others, the plumbing in the Breuner Building, one of the best of the state fair buildings, the Johnson Apartments, and many large residences and flats.  He belongs to the Master Plumbers’ Association, and to the Builders’ Exchange; and in national politics, he is an Independent Republican.  He built his residence where he resides with his family.

      When Mr. Waterman married, in Sacramento, April 7, 1909, he chose for his bride Miss Verna B. Martin, a native daughter of Sacramento and a member of an old pioneer family.  She is a daughter of George R. and Mathilda (Brown) Martin, who crossed the plains to California in pioneer days, locating in Sacramento County, where Mr. Martin served as peace officer for many years.  Mr. and Mrs. Waterman have one child, Dorothy Verna.  Mr. Waterman is a Mason, Concord Lodge No. 117,   F. & A. M., Sacramento, an Elk, and a member of Sacramento Parlor, N. S. G. W.  Mrs. Waterman is a member of Sacramento Chapter No. 190, O. E. S.  Mr. Waterman is something of a sportsman, too, and likes hunting and fishing.




Transcribed by Priscilla Delventhal.

 Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Pages 989-990.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 P. J. Delventhal.




Sacramento County Biographies