Sacramento County











Earl Warren, Governor of California, was born in Los Angeles, California, March 19, 1891; son of Methias H. and Chrystal (Hernlund) Warren.

            Student at the University of California where he received the B.L. degree in 1912 and the J.D. degree in 1914. Honorary LL.D. degree from University of Redlands, College of the Pacific, University of Southern California, University of Santa Clara, Mills College, Occidental College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Cornell College (Iowa); Dr. Civil Law from Union College (New York); Dr. Political Science from University of Alaska.

            Governor Warren was admitted to the California bar in 1914 and practiced in San Francisco and Oakland, California, 1914 to 1917. From 1917 to 1918, he served as first lieutenant in the Infantry, United States Army; captain with the Officers’ Reserve Corps until 1936.

            In 1919, he was clerk for Assembly Judiciary Committee, California Legislature; deputy city attorney, Oakland, 1919-20; deputy district attorney, Alameda County, California, 1920-25, district attorney, 1925-39; attorney general of California, 1939-43; and has been Governor of California since January 4, 1943, re-elected in 1946 and 1950. During his years as a prosecutor, Governor Warren was very active in local, state and national law enforcement; and is a contributor of articles on law enforcement to various journals.

            He was research associate of the Bureau of Public Administration, University of California, 1932-40; chairman of the Board of Managers of State Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, 1929-39; president of National Association of Attorneys General, 1940-41; alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1928 and delegate in 1932; chairman of Republican State Central Committee, 1934-36; Republican National Committeeman from California, and member of National Executive Committee, 1936-38; temporary chairman and keynote speaker at Republican National Convention in 1944; Republican candidate for vice president of the United States in 1948. Chairman of Western Governors’ Conference in 1950.

            Member of the American Bar Association (vice chairman of section on criminal law since 1938), State Bar of California, Alameda County Bar Association (vice president, 1916-18), Sacramento County Bar Association, District Attorneys Association of California (president, 1931-32); Sigma Phi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Republican. Mason (33rd), Grand Master, California, 1935-36. Member of the following clubs: Olympic, Commonwealth, Bohemian (San Francisco); Athens, Athletic, Exchange (Oakland); Jonathan (Los Angels); Sutter (Sacramento).

            Governor Warren married Nina E. Meyers on October 14, 1925; children: James C., Virginia, Earl, Dorothy, Nina Elizabeth, and Robert.

            Home:  Executive Mansion, Sacramento, California.

            Office:  The Capitol, Sacramento, California.





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Pages 487-488, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.







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