Sacramento County








      CHARLES LESLIE VANINA.--Prominent among the general contractors in Sacramento County, who are used to the undertaking of big things, and to their successful completion when undertaken, is undoubtedly Charles Leslie Vanina, of the firm of Vanina & Son, located at 2022 M. Street, Sacramento, but well-known beyond the confines of this section of the progressive Golden State. He is a native of Sacramento, and having grown up here, has had the advantage of always having been in touch and in sympathy with both city and county. He was born on January 4, 1897, the son of Charles A. and Augustine (Belltraminelli) Vanina, the former a pioneer of forty years ago, who came here to Sacramento and married. Both parents came from Swiss families. Charles A. Vanina is now one of the oldest contractors in Sacramento.

      Charles L. Vanina is the only son and youngest child of the family. He attended both the grammar and the high school, and was graduated from the latter in 1915; and then he took up studies at the Polytechnic in Oakland, and remained there until he entered the service of his country in the United States Army. Glad to respond to the call of his country, when the World War and its relations to America compelled the United States to enter the struggle, Mr. Vanina joined the 82nd United States Infantry and served six months. Having received an honorable discharge, he then returned home and joined his father in the business of contracting, under the firm name of Vanina & Son. Previously to entering the army, he had had some valuable experience as a deputy building inspector of Sacramento City. This wide-awake firm, which makes a specialty of residences and business houses, now employs twenty-six or more men and does more remodeling than any other concern in the county. Mr. Vanina belongs to the Sacramento Builders' Exchange. He is in every way a public-spirited promoter of the best interests of his native city.

      In Sacramento, on September 29, 1920, Mr. Vanina was married to Miss Elaine Goodman, a native daughter, of Sutter Creek, Amador County, and they have one child, a son named Robert Charles. In politics, Mr. Vanina is a Republican; and in fraternal affiliation, he is a member of Sacramento Lodge No. 6, B. P. O. Elks, and Sacramento Lodge No. 40, F. & A. M. He is fond of baseball, which indicates that he is the typical American.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 822.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies