Sacramento County









      REV. FATHER DOMINIC TAVERNA.—Intimately connected with the history of the Catholic Church in northern California is the Rev. Father Dominic Taverna, who is an earnest, intelligent and indefatigable worker, now serving as the pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Sacramento, an Italian parish of some 1,000 families. Father Taverna is a man of scholarly attainments, the master of several languages, and is most earnest and consecrated in his work. His birth occurred on August 18, 1876, at Castellazzo, Bormida, in the province of Alessandria, Italy. He made his classics at the College of the Silesian Fathers of Don Basco in Turino and his philosophy and theology at the Seminary of Allessandria, being ordained on December 22, 1900, by Bishop Joseph Capecci. He served as assistant pastor for five years. Then, in answer to the invitation of Bishop Grace of Sacramento to become a missionary for Italian congregations in the Sacramento diocese, he and Father Mela responded. Father Taverna spent a few months studying English at the Silesian College in London and then came to California in 1906, serving as assistant at various places until September, 1909, when he was appointed pastor at Sutter Creek. He remained there nine years, and his district embraced from within thirteen miles of Sacramento to the Nevada state line. On the death of Father Mela in October, 1918, he was appointed on November 25, 1918, to succeed him as pastor of St. Mary’s Church, and since then he has built the parochial residence.

      St. Mary’s was started by Father Mela in 1905. In 1906 the property at N and Ninth Streets was purchased and church opened there. In 1914 the present property at seventh and T Streets was bought and the church moved hither. Rev. Mela was a priest of wide Christian spirit and died a martyr to his duty during the flu epidemic. While assisting at Placerville, Father Taverna was appointed chaplain at Folsom Prison for two years and prepared about twenty prisoners for the Sacrament of Confirmation, and for the first time in the history of the institution Bishop Grace came to the prison to administer the Sacrament. In 1920 Father Taverna was sent to Italy by Bishop Grace to represent him at the "Visit ad Limina," and in consequence of his appointment he had the honor of a private audience with Pope Benedict XV. Rev. Taverna is a fourth-degree Knight of Columbus.


Note that Alessandria/Allessandria is spelled two different ways in this piece and I typed it the way it was shown, not knowing if one was incorrect. Mrp



Transcribed 7-16-07 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 962.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.




Sacramento County Biographies