Sacramento County
quarter of a century Owen Thomas Stackpoole has been
a resident of Sacramento and during that period has continuously worked for the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company, steadily working his way upward until he now
occupies the position of chief train dispatcher for the Sacramento division of
the Southern Pacific Railroad, with headquarters in Sacramento. His birth
occurred in Reno, Nev.,
September 24, 1882, a son of Patrick and Mary Ann (Mitchell) Stackpoole. The family removed to California
shortly after the birth of their son and settled in Plumas
County, and there Patrick Stackpoole died in 1882. The mother and three sons
then returned to Nevada and
settled in Verdi, where Stack, as he is familiarly called by all of his
friends, received his education in the public schools and there grew to young
manhood. He entered the railroad office at Verdi and the agent taught him
telegraphy. It was in 1897 that he became identified with the Southern
Pacific Railroad Company in 1904 he entered the Twelfth Street yard office in
Sacramento, where he remained as telegraph operator until 1907, when he entered
the present office as operator and clerk under the chief dispatcher. In
1908 Stack became a train dispatcher and four years later was made assistant to
the chief dispatcher, where he worked for four years; then on July 1, 1916, he
was made chief dispatcher of the above division. For twenty-six
years he has been steadily at his work in the various positions without
interruption, a record of which his friends, as well as himself, are proud.
Sacramento Mr. Stackpoole was united in marriage with
Miss Edna Honold, a native daughter o California,
born in Forest City,
Sierra County,
this state, and they are the parents of two children, Alden and
Thelma. Mr. Stackpoole gives his allegiance to
the Republican party and fraternally belongs to the
Sacramento Lodge No. 6, B. P. O. Elks.
Transcribed 8-20-07
Marilyn R. Pankey.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 996. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.