Sacramento County










      SCHNEIDER BROS.--An enterprising, very successful and prosperous firm that has had an important part in the development of Sacramento and Placer County commerce, is Schneider Bros., the proprietors of the popular auto-truck line for the handling of freight between Sacramento and Auburn.  Schneider Bros. Brought out the interests of a concern already established; and their busy headquarters are at 124 K Street, Sacramento.  They came to the capital in 1922, and opened shop on the first day of April; and ever since they have been regarded as one of the necessary fixtures of the city and its thriving environs.

      Having looked over the ground, and sized up the local situation with a deal of far-sightedness, the Messrs. Schneider threw themselves into the project optimistically, took up the gauntlet of “nothing dare, nothing share,” and the results of their venture prove that their judgment was pretty sound; Sacramento and Auburn and the wayside districts have responded and liberally supported their excellent service.  They operate four trucks, besides an emergency truck, employing four men to assist them, make four round trips every day between Sacramento and Auburn, and maintain a regular schedule; and they use one truck to haul such perishables as ice cream, delicate garden truck, etc.  They have never avoided, but on the contrary have sought opportunities to help advance the commercial, industrial and social interests of this favored part of the Golden State; and all who are informed as to what, through unremitting effort, unwearying labor and the use of considerable capital, they accomplish, will agree that the public owes the Messrs. Schneider Bros, at the very least many measures of good-will and best wishes.



Transcribed by Priscilla Delventhal.

 Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 1001.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 P. J. Delventhal.




Sacramento County Biographies