Jacob Schmitt


Jacob Schmitt, who is in business in Sacramento, on H street, opposite the Driving Park, is a native of Prussia, born at Daubach, June 12, 1844. He was reared to farm life and received his education between the ages of six and fourteen years. In 1866 he came to the United States, sailing from Hamburg and landing at New York. He was there and at Willimasburgh and Brooklyn until 1868, when he came to California leaving New York March 20, on the steamer Nebraska and coming by the way of Panama.  He landed at San Francisco April 13, 1868. He went to San Jose and from there came to Sacramento, and obtained employment across the river in Sacramento County. He afterward went to Butte County where he worked for three years, and then came to Sacramento. In 1873 he started in the saloon business on K street, between Seventh and Eighth, where he built up a large trade. In 1885 he erected his handsome building at 2012 H street, and moved into it on the 14th of July. He is a member of Schiller Lodge, No. 105, I.O.O.F. Mr. Schmitt has prospered since coming to Sacramento, and has a good patronage and many friends.



Transcribed by: Marla Fitzsimmons

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 315.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies