Sacramento County








      JOHN C. SCHADEN, one of the young business men of Sacramento, is a native of Burg Lesum, near Bremen, in Hamburg, Germany, born May 3, 1857, and a son of Henry and Annie (Winters) Schaden. He received his education between the years of six and fourteen, and then obtained employment in a cigar-box factory for a year and a half. He then came to America, and after a year and a quarter in New York city, came to California in 1874. Coming to Sacramento, he first went to work for his brother Arend, but soon engaged in business for himself in partnership with A. Rodegerdts. This firm continued for nearly four years, when Mr. Rodegerdts retired from the partnership. One year later Mr. Schaden took in his present partner, Frederick Schneider, and the firm became J. C. Schaden & Co. They moved to their present location March 19, 1886. Mr. Schaden was married in Sacramento to Miss Meta Feldhusen, a native of Germany, born at Mayenburg, near Bremen. They have two children, viz: Bertha and Charlotte. Mr. Schaden is a member of the Sacramento Turn-Verein, and was chosen its secretary at the last general election, but resigned in order to take a trip to Europe. He is a member of the I. O. R. M., and also resigned the office of Junior Sachem in that organization when he went to Europe. He also belongs to California Lodge, K. of H., in which he was a charter member. He has also been associated with the National Guard as a private in Company B, First Artillery Regiment, Fourth Brigade. Mr. Schaden is an active and influential young business man, and has built up a large trade for his firm.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 741-742. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies