Sacramento County







     FRANK J. RUHSTALLER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OF THE Ruhstaller brewery of Sacramento, Cal., is the son of Frank and Charlotte (Oeste) Ruhstaller, the latter a native of Germany, while the father was born in Switzerland.  He was educated in his native land, also learning the brewing business there, and after his emigration to America found work in a number of breweries, thus acquiring a proficient knowledge of the work.  In 1864 he located in Sacramento and was employed here for a time before he purchased what is now known as the Ruhstaller brewery. Upon purchasing the plant he set about making many improvements in the way of enlarging the buildings and installing machinery of the most modern type. The product of this brewery which is prepared from malt and hops, has proven to be of superior quality being prepared by improved methods, and the result has been the building up of a large business.  In the summer of 1905 he built an annex to the already large building which, when completed, will be supplied with new and improved machinery.  The brewery is located on Twelfth and H streets and is 80x160 feet in dimensions, four stories in height.  In 1870 Mr. Ruhstaller  married Charlotte Oeste, formerly of Milwaukee, Wis., and three sons and two daughters were born of this union, Frank J., David and August, Minnie and Lottie.  Mr. Ruhstaller is associated fraternally with Sacramento Lodge No. 103, F. & A. M., and Lodge No. 40, I.O.O.F., besides belonging to other orders.

     Frank J. Ruhstaller, the eldest son, was born in Sacramento November 5, 1872, the greater part of his education being received in the public schools of Sacramento.  He early acquired a proficiency in his father’s business and is now assistant manager, and at the present writing has sole charge of the business, as his father is taking an extended tour throughout Europe.   In 1899 Mr. Ruhstaller was united in marriage with Alice Root, of Sacramento and they now make their home at No. 1220 H street in a residence which ranks among the best in the city.  Mr. Ruhstaller is a member of the Turn Verein, and is active in all public movements.




Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, October 09, 2007.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California  by J. M. Guinn.  Page 650. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Louise E. Shoemaker.




Sacramento County Biographies