Sacramento County







     ANGUS ROSS  A successful stockman of Sacramento, Angus Ross is located in this city and engaged as well in dealing in stocks and bonds, having met with a success in his efforts which has placed him among the representative citizens of this section.  He is a native of Missouri, born September 11, 1843, into the home of Asa Ross, a native of Kentucky and a prosperous farmer of that state.  The father brought his family to California in 1854, locating in Sonoma county, and later was appointed postmaster of Sonoma, which office he held for a number of years.  Politically he was a Democrat taking an active part in promoting the party’s welfare.  In connection with his farm he operated a store in Sonoma and with the passing years his double occupation has brought him a competency.

     Angus Ross spent the first eleven years of his life in Missouri, receiving his primary education in its district schools, after which he completed his scholastic training in the schools of California.  Until he was twenty years old he remained at home and assisted his father in his general business, after which he became dependent upon his own resources, becoming a dealer in cattle and sheep in Nevada.  With the passing years he acquired a success which placed him among the foremost men of this class in Sacramento county where he has made his home for over twenty-five years.  He finally moved from his ranch property to the city of Sacramento, where he now owns a handsome residence at No. 1018 H street, and is also largely interested in other city property.  Since locating here he has become a dealer in stocks and bonds and has taken a prominent place in the business life of the city.

     In March, 1885 Mr. Ross was united in marriage with Emma Rohrer, of  Sacramento county.  She is the daughter of Cyrus Rohrer, a native of Maryland, who, with his family, became a pioneer of Sacramento county in 1850.  Mr. Ross and  his wife have two children, Angus, a student at Howe’s academy, and Molly Gertrude, at home.



Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, October 09, 2007.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California  by J. M. Guinn.  Page 650. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Louise E. Shoemaker.




Sacramento County Biographies