Sacramento County








      AUGUST RODEGERDTS, corner of Third and M streets, is one of the most progressive of Sacramento’s young business men. He is a native of Germany, born at Otterndorf, Hanover, on the 26th of June, 1856, his parents being Henry and Franda (Frank) Rodegerdts. When the subject of this sketch was but nine months old, his father died, and his mother was afterward married to George Schoenicke. August Rodegerdts was reared at his native place, and attended the Government schools from six to fourteen years of age. He then went to Hamburg, and learned the business of waiting, in a hotel. In the fall of 1872 he came to America, sailing from Hamburg to New York on the steamer “Silesia.” He worked as waiter in a New York hotel for six months, then went to work in a grocery store on the corner of Seventy-fourth street and Second avenue. In 1879 he entered in business for himself in partnership with John C. Schaden. Mr. Rodegerdts sold out to his partner in 1884, and buying our John McMony the following August, removed to his present location. He has built up an extensive trade, which is every year growing larger, and Mr. Rodegerdt’s store is as busy as a bee-hive. In 1882 he bought his first real estate, just across the street from his present location, and in December, 1888, purchased his present location. He was married in this city, February 17, 1886, to Miss Katie Hergett, a native of California, born in Yolo County, where her parents now reside. They have one child - a boy - Christian August. Mr. Rodegerdts belongs to the I. O. R. M., and is a member of the Lutheran Church. He is a self-made man, and judging from his past record, a brilliant future may be predicted for him.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 754-755. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies