Sacramento County









      CAPT. JOHN H. ROBERTS.  The ranks of the pioneers are fast thinning out, and the number of men who have a clear remembrance of the features which distinguished the coast county during the early ‘50s is lessening year by year. Among the brave and resolute travelers who crossed the plains in 1850 was Capt. John H. Roberts, who made the journey with a company of emigrants who outfitted at Chicago, Ill. His experience in the mines not meeting with the success which he had anticipated, he turned his attention to flat-boating on the river, a business which grew with passing years, until in 1866 it was organized as the Sacramento Transportation Company. Soon afterward it was incorporated as a stock company, with a capital stock of $40,000, and with officers as follows: Capt. J. H. Roberts, president; W. F. George, secretary; P. J. Harney, general manager; and H .K. Johnson, agent.

      Captain Roberts is a native of Michigan, having been born in the city of Detroit, February 22, 1832, a son of John T. and Marguerite (Williams) Roberts. Being a young and venturesome youth at the time the gold fever was at its height, it is not surprising that Captain Roberts fell a victim to its ravages. Going to Chicago, Ill, he there joined a company who had outfitted with ox-teams and horses for the coast country. The trip was long and tiresome and was filled with many thrilling experiences, but it is not related that any of the travelers failed to reach their destination, through sickness, death or accident. Soon afterward he became interested in flat-boating on the Sacramento river. Mining for gold next engaged his attention for a few months, but as the results of his hard work were unprofitable he gave it up. He next engaged in cutting and hauling lumber and logs to the mill, and for several years disposed of his entire product to the firm of Bacon and Lawler. To this humble beginning, Capt. Roberts traces the foundation of his present business, as at this time, owing to the unprecedented growth of his river transportations, he was induced to organize a company to handle all kinds of freight. Since the founding of the company in 1866 until the present time the Sacramento Transportation Company has been one of the important factors in the upbuilding of Sacramento, and towns all along the river are benefited as well, boats running as far north as Red Bluff. The office of the company is at No. 1400 Front street, at the foot of N street. Aside from his interest in the transportation company Captain Roberts owns several grain and fruit ranches and is also interested in some of the best gold mines in the state.

      Captain Roberts was married in 1859 to Miss Minerva Walath of San Francisco, a daughter of James and Esther (Oliphant) Walath, both natives of New York. Mrs. Roberts came to California with her uncle, Austin H. Walath. Soon after marriage Captain Roberts and his wife moved to Sacramento, where they have since resided, their home being at No. 717 N street.





Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker on October 26th 2007. 

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California” by J. M. Guinn.  Page 783. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Louise E. Shoemaker.




Sacramento County Biographies