Sacramento County








      CLARENCE J. RAMBO.--A public accountant who is widely and well-known for his expert work, the fruits of exceptional training and a valuable experience, is Clarence J. Rambo, a native of New Jersey and since the beginning of the last decade a prominent member of the professional corps at Sacramento.  He was born on May 23, 1990, when he entered the family circle of Aaron and Anna (Brown) Rambo, and he enjoyed the advantages of a grammar school and a high school course, which offered also excellent training along business lines.  There and thereafter he took special training to fit him for his profession, and that profession he has followed ever since, not only elevating himself, but adding distinction to the city in which he has come to make his home.

      It was in 1913 that Mr. Rambo came to California, and it was in the same year when he opened a Sacramento office.  He was not long in specializing on income taxes; and having established branch offices in Washington, D.C. and in Los Angeles, he has been successful from the beginning in attracting and in holding an important clientage.  He is nationally known for his scholarly knowledge of conditions likely to affect the interests of his patrons in this part of the world, and enviably of repute for his high ethical standards.  The Sacramento Chamber of Commerce is glad to number him among its most progressive members.

      When Mr. Rambo was married, Miss Sybil Markham of Iowa became his wife and gifted companion; and their happy union has been blessed with the birth of two children, Arthur and Clara.  Mr. Rambo is public-spirited and decidedly patriotic; which means that his allegiance to the Republican party is broadminded, rather than merely partisan, and that he is deeply interested in Sacramento County, its past, present and future.



Transcribed by Priscilla Delventhal.

 Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 1004.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 P. J. Delventhal.




Sacramento County Biographies