Sacramento County
THOMAS L. QUIGGLE – A leading citizen of the Herald
community is Thomas L. Quiggle, who, in addition to conducting the general
mercantile establishment there, is also the capable postmaster. He has the
distinction of being the first boy born in Galt, his parents being Volaski
Schull and Isabella (Louins) Quiggle. The father, who owned a large acreage
near here, started the store in 1912 at Herald which is now conducted by his
son; he passed away at the age of seventy-eight, but Mrs. Quiggle is still
living and makes her home at Herald with her daughter, Mrs. Maude Warren. She
is the mother of four children: Mrs. W.W. Bottimore, Thomas L., Don V. and Mrs.
Maude Warren. The Quiggle estate, of about 540 acres of land, is still held as
an undivided property, although about 140 acres have been sold.
attending the Alabama district school, Thomas L. Quiggle
took a course in the Atkinson Business
College at Sacramento
and when he was of age started out for himself. For
two years he had a store at Sacramento,
and after he disposed of this he farmed for two years on the old home place.
Entering the employ of Whitaker & Ray at Galt, he continued with them for
thirteen years, and then was with Wallace B. Sawyer for three years. In 1914 he
bought out the firm of Quiggle & Warren at Herald, and since then he has
conducted a general merchandise business there; he has also filled the position
of postmaster since that time. The store building was erected by his father in
1912 and a year later a post office was established
there. Mr. Quiggle owns thirty acres of unimproved land near Herald.
Sacramento, September 9, 1900, Mr.
Quiggle was married to Miss Alice Lillian Thomas, who was born on the Thomas
ranch near the present site of Herald. Her parents were John and Emeline
(Woodruff) Thomas, natives of Wales
who came to California in the
fifties. Mr. Thomas farmed for many years in the vicinity of Galt and died at
the age of eighty, the mother passing away when seventy-eight. They were the parents
of six children: Mrs. Susan Hagel; William J.; Mrs. Emma Jeffrey of Stockton;
George, deceased; Henry of Petaluma; and Mrs. Quiggle. Mr. and Mrs. Quiggle
have five children: Clarence, in business with his father, and Irene, Bessie,
Evelyn and Thelma. Mr. Quiggle is a member of Galt Parlor, the Native Sons of
the Golden West, and past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, Galt Lodge No.
Transcribed by Vicky
Walker, 1/26/07.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 367. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
© 2007 Vicky Walker.