Sacramento County
business men of promise who are helping to build up a
permanent prosperity for Sacramento, is Harry Samuel
Prager, and none is held in higher esteem, nor have any brighter prospects than
he. Engaged in an occupation for which
there is invariably a demand, he is successfully conducting an art studio, and
has won a large and ever increasing patronage from all those who appreciate
artistic interior decorating. He was
born in Los Angeles, Cal., November 23, 1881, a son of Samuel and Rosalie
(Lowenstein) Prager. Samuel Prager
settled in Los Angeles in 1850 and was a
successful business man for many years; he was a very prominent Mason and for
twenty-two successive years was president of the Masonic board of relief; both
parents are now deceased.
Samuel Prager completed the grammar and high school
courses in the schools of Los Angeles; then he went East and completed his training in art; in 1919 he came to Sacramento and established his
present business. Mr. Prager was the
designer of many store fronts of the Forty-niners’ celebration recently held in
Sacramento, and his mural and pictorial interior panels are worthy of note.
marriage of Mr. Prager united him with Miss Janet Oom of Grand Rapids, Mich. In politics Mr. Prager is a stanch
Republican, and his public spirit is manifested in many ways for the
advancement of the community he has selected for his permanent home.
Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.
Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With
Biographical Sketches, Page 517.
Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
2007 Donna L. Becker.