Sacramento County





     Of the carpenter force of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company William M. Powers, late of Sacramento, was a well known member from 1886 until 1900. His health began to fail in 1898 and his life came to a close October 30, 1900. He was

born in Illinois in 1839, was reared and educated there and there acquired a practical knowledge of the carpenter's trade. In 1861, when he was about twenty-two years old, he enlisted in the Federal army, for service in the Civil war. He did gallant duty as a soldier during the entire period of his enlistment and received honorable discharge from the service. The last twelve years of his life were passed in the service of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, in which he might have remained many years long had he not passed away untimely in his sixty-second year.
     In 1879 Mr. Powers married Miss Mary E. Adams, a native of North Carolina and a descendant of old and honored families of that state. She bore him four children, three of whom survive. His parents were natives of Maine and he numbered among his ancestors New England Yankees, who in successive generations amply proved themselves to be devoted and patriotic citizens and successful men of affairs. With all who knew him he was deservedly popular and many a former comrade remembers him as one who is ever ready with the friendly hand in time of need.


Transcribed by Sande Beach.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Page 610.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

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Sacramento County Biographies