Sacramento County









      J. H. POND, Principal of the Sacramento High School, was born at Downieville, Sierra County, California, November 1, 1862. His parents, William C. and Helen W. Pond, came to the Pacific coast at an early day, his father arriving here in 1852. Professor Pond received his education in this State, graduating as A. B. at the University of California in 1884. He engaged in teaching at Hopkins’ Academy, Oakland, until 1886, when he came to Sacramento, and since then has been connected with the high school as teacher and vice-principal. In 1888 he was elected principal of the High School, and since then has filled that position with credit to himself and the satisfaction to the Board of Education. He is actively identified with educational interests here and throughout the State. Professor Pond was united in marriage March 12, 1887, with Miss Grace Hamilton, daughter of Judge Noble Hamilton, of Oakland, California.




Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 12/07/07.

Source: Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Page 785. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies