Sacramento County








      ALBERT L. POLLARD.--An efficient executive both within and without the fraternal orders with which he is connected is Albert L. Pollard, secretary of the Maccabees, and of the general relief committee of the I. O. O. F., with headquarters at Sacramento. He is a native son, having been born at Grass Valley, Nevada County, on October 19, 1863, and his parents were James P. and Mary (Gulliver) Pollard, the former a sturdy pioneer of 1850, who crossed the Isthmus to get to the Golden Gate, and once here, went after the real gold, mining in California and Nevada. He was a carpenter by occupation, and when he died at Sacramento in 1916, where the family had settled, he left an excellent record for usefulness. Several years ago, Mrs. Pollard, a lovable woman, also passed away.

      Albert Pollard attended the public schools of the historic Grass Valley, and was graduated from the high school there in 1879. Then, after coming to Sacramento, he followed car-building for the Southern Pacific for seventeen years, having previously been both carpenter and farmer. In 1907, his present position was offered him, and he left the Southern Pacific to make the change. How much more he has accomplished than was really demanded of him, his untarnished record of steady, faithful, interested work in behalf of the order, attesting to unusual proficiency, will show. In national political affairs, Mr. Pollard is a Republican; but he never allows partisanship to interfere with his professional duties or with a hearty support, such as his fellow-citizens have a right to expect, of all approved measures and candidates deemed best for the locality.

      Mr. Pollard married Miss Nellie R. Webster. She was a genial, accomplished woman, who made so many friends that her death in 1901 was widely lamented. A daughter, Nellie Fay, is now Mrs. N. D. Baker and she has two children. Mr. Pollard is a member of the Odd Fellows, the Encampment, Canton Cabiri, and the Rebekahs; and he also belongs to the Maccabees, the Moose, and the Knights of Pythias. He likes out-of-door life and sport, and is especially fond of hunting the deer.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 8/2/07.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 969.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies