J.C. Pierson, a superintendent of the capital Gas Company of Sacramento, is a native of Connecticut, born in Fairfield County May 3, 1852. Both parents were natives of New York State. In the latter part of 1851 the father started for California via Panama, arriving in early 1852. He was for many years engaged in mining in the northern part of the State, but in 1883 came to Sacramento to locate. J.C. Pierson, the subject of this sketch, was reared in New York State, and educated at Huntington, Long Island. He studied engineering with William H. Debevoice, in New York. He became connected with the James F. Joy corporation, operating in the West, and was for some time engaged in exploration and preliminary railroad work for them in Kansas and Nebraska. He was there employed in the Atchison & Nebraska, and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe lines. In 1872 he came to Nevada, and in the following year to California, being connected with the Colfax & Grass Valley and the Central Pacific Railroads. In 1878 he was appointed engineer in charge of the work done by the Sacramento River Drainage District, and conducted the work done by the State on Bear River. In 1879 he was elected county surveyor, taking the office in 1880, and held it by virtue of reelection to 1888, inclusive. In January 1888, he became superintendent of Capital Gas Company of Sacramento. Mr. Pierson is a member of the K. of H., and of the K. and L. of H. He is a member of the Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. He was married in 1877 to Miss Susie Boyd, of San Francisco, a native of California. Mr. Pierson is an active, able man, and is a valuable addition to the citizenship of Sacramento.


Transcribed by Debbie Gramlick.

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 358.

© 2004 Debbie Gramlick.

Sacramento County Biographies