Sacramento County






      The educational advantages of the east supplemented by university training in Germany afforded Mr. Peck exceptional opportunities in youth, and of these he was not dilatory in acquisition, the result being that he gained a breadth of cosmopolitan culture that easily places him among the most courteous and polished gentlemen of Sacramento as well as one of the most popular members of the exclusive Sutter club.  While he has been a resident of California since 1900 and meanwhile has gained the warm friendship of many commercial enterprises of Sacramento, his birth and parentage unite him with the cultured classes of the east.  Into the home of Frank A. and Elizabeth R. Peck, at Syracuse, N. Y., he was born December 1, 1877, and all of his earliest recollections cluster around that influential eastern city.  Primarily educated in its schools, he later spent a period of study at Andover, Essex county, Mass.  At the age of fourteen years he was sent abroad to study, first being entered as a student in a private school at Freiburg, Germany, and later taking up a university course in an historic German institution.  Upon his return to the United States, in 1896, at the age of about nineteen years, he became interested with a brother in the manufacture of china at Syracuse, N. Y., where he acquired an interest in the business and continued for several years. 

      Disposing of his stock in the concern in 1900, Mr. Peck removed from New York to California and settled in Tehama county, where he became interested in the buying and selling of land and the handling of real estate.  During 1902 he removed to Sacramento and entered into association with the W. P. Coleman Company as manager of their county land department.  In that responsible position he proved capable and efficient, but his tastes led him into other lines of enterprise, so that he resigned at the expiration of two years in order to engage in the general insurance business.  As agent for various oldline companies he acquired a wide influence in his line, but in 1906, having decided to specialize, he disposed of the life and fire departments, since which he has confined his attention to the building up of a large business in accident and liability insurance.  To this phase of protection, hitherto all too neglected, he has given much time and study, and his efforts to interest others have been so successful that already a large proportion of the citizens of Sacramento have availed themselves of this class of insurance.  Although well qualified by natural endowments and educational attainments to represent the people in offices of trust, his tastes have led him to keep aloof from partisan affairs, and he takes no part in politics aside from being an ardent devotee to Republican principles.  In religious belief he is of the Christian Science belief.  Fraternally he holds membership with the Elks.  It was not until some time after he came to Sacramento that he established a home of his own, his marriage to Miss Maud Shafer having occurred July 1, 1908, and uniting him with a young lady popular in most select circles of society in the capital city.


Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Pages 783-784.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2006 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies