To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of California:


GENTLEMAN: The petition of the undersigned, Lady Managers of the Protestant Orphan Asylum of Sacramento, respectfully represents:

That early in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven individual members of this organization and others, to whose notice had been brought many cases of extreme hardship, suffering and distress, in which orphan and half-orphan children were deprived of their natural protectors and thrown upon the cold charities of the world, in some cases under improper and degrading influences, felt the necessity of providing a refuge for such straight waifs, where they could be collected together and where they could find some of the comforts of a home under proper moral training, and with such educational advantages as the resources available for that purpose, collected from a generous public, would permit.  With these objects in view, and in order to place their feet in the proper path, and to keep them until such time as good homes could be found, where their education and training would be continued, the Orphan Asylum, which we have the honor to represent, was organized and opened on the sixteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, for the admission of any orphan children, who had not relatives or friends able and willing to take charge of them, without regard to religious faith, nativity, residence, were other improper restricting provisions.


We have received them from many counties in the State, born in many States in the Union, and the various nationalities, and are ever ready to receive all who may apply, who can show they are of tender age, unable to provide for themselves and deprived of their natural protectors.


To carry out these objects we have maintained our asylum for nearly three years without State or county aid, save and except our generous aid of two years since (three thousand dollars); beyond which we have been dependent on the uncertain charities of the people in our immediate vicinity; and believing that an institution located like this, in the central portion of the State--the first natural and convenient refuge of orphans from a large portion of the interior of the State-- should not be a charge upon Sacramento, we pray that your honorable bodies may extend to us such aid as you may deem just and proper.


For a statement of our receipts and expenditures, showing cost of our new building, number of children received and where from, etc., we refer you to the accompanying statistical report.


We beg leave further to represent that we have purchased four lots and erected thereon a proper building, at a total cost, for grounds and building, of eight thousand one hundred dollars; that we are in debt to the amount of four thousand dollars--covered by mortgage; that our number of orphans is increasing, making greater demand for money to supply such wants; and, further, that every dollar which you appropriate will be economically, honestly and faithfully applied to the relief of such suffering as was contemplated in her organization.


All of which is respectfully submitted.


Mrs. I. E. Dwinell, President.

Mrs. N. Slater, Vice President,

Mrs. R. T. Brown, Treasurer,

Mrs. R. R. Patton, Secretary,

Mrs. J. Wetzlar,

Mrs. P. H. Russell,

Mrs. J. F. Houghton,

Mrs. B. R. Sweetland,

Mrs. C. H. Swift,

Mrs. George W. Mowe,

Mrs. M. S. Hurd,


Sacramento, January 28, 1870.




The undersigned cheerfully endorsed the prayer of the annexed petition, and commend the institution therein named, Sacramento Protestant Orphan Asylum, to the favorable in consideration of the Legislature of California for a liberal donation:


Carroll, Smith & Co.,

D. O. Mills & Co.

D. E. Callahan,

W. Hazen,

W. McMitchell,

D. H. Emmons,


R. S. Carey,

C. Crocker,

Robert Robinson,

Leland Stanford,

Mark Hopkins,

E. B. Ryan,

T. W. Strobridge and Son,

J. Haertts,

A. E. Janssens,

Andrew J. Nichols,

Geo. Seckel,

Julius Wetzlar,

John Bigler,

S. H. Russell,

B. F. Hastings & Co.,

Samuel Cross,

C. H. Swift,

Ed. R. Hamilton,

Frank Swift,

A. C. Snyder,

P. Trope,

Edw. M. Howison,

A. F. Coronel,

H. L. Nichols,

Cameron H. King,

Maze Edwards,

Geo. W. Mowe,

R. T. Brown & Co.,

J. F. Houghton,

Dougald Gillis,

John Bellmer & Co.

John Rippon,

Samuel Sims,

David J. Ross,

F. T. Phillips,

G. K. Van Heusen,

J. L. Huntoon,

G. H. Swinerton,

James Anthony,

G. C. Hall,

J. P. Dickson,

J. E. Parker,

James Carolan,

Mrs. M. A. Ames,

Richard Dale,

H. C. Kirk & Co.,

Wm. W. Marvin,

I.  Lohman,

W. P. Coleman,

T. M. Lindley,

J. C. Goods,

Brittan, Holbrook & Co.,

Ira Oatman,

W. A. Hedenberg & Co.,

Jos. F. Montgomery,

Jos. M. Frey, M.D.,

H. S. Crocker & Co.,

Deuel, Griffitts & Co.,

J. A. Stewart & Co.

Jones & Shaw,

Chas. Robin,

Peyser & Lyon,

Booth & Co.

Jno. Q. Brown,

Isaac P. Allen,

J. C. Meusdorffer,

John S. Slater,

C. C. Hayden,

I.  L. Merrell,

James Bithell,

Saml. Poorman,

Lew. B. Harris,

C. Green,

H. Treichler,

Edwards & Co.,

S. D. Smith,

Cyrus S. Coffin,

David Bush,

W. S. Mesick,

S. P. Thomas, M.D.,

Geo. Cadwalader,

S. W. Sanderson,

H. Starr,

Paul Morrill,

W. T. Wythe, M.D.,

Thos. M. Logan, M.D..


Source: Source: Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly, of the Eighteenth Session of the Legislature of the State of California, Volume III, Sacramento, 1870.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.