Michael O’Meara


Michael O’Meara, Chief of the Fire Department of Sacramento city, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, October 10, 1850. Two years later his father, Michael M. O’Meara Sr., left home and came to California, where the family joined him two years afterward. Early in life, “Mike,” as he was called, began to make his own way in the world, selling papers on the streets of Sacramento, outside of school hours. During this time he took special interest in all that pertained to Confidence Hose, No. 1, of the old volunteer fire department, of which his father was at that time steward. For this he acted as “torch boy” when only twelve years old. At eighteen he became “extra man” for that company, and afterward treasurer and foreman. At the age of twenty-one he became a full member of the engine company. This was before the organization of the paid department, in March, 1873. But Mr. O”Meara had something else to do besides running to the fires with the boys, for under the superintendence of Joseph Bailey he was learning the trade of bricklayer, working upon the Capitol building, which was in process of construction at that time. In this occupation he was employed until 1881. Upon the formation of the paid fire department he was appointed Assistant Chief Engineer, which position he held until July, 1887, when he was made Chief of the department.

Mr. O’Meara is one of the self-made men of the city. To his native sense and energy are due the self-reliance and prompt decision so peremptorily necessary in the trying position which he occupies. Notwithstanding his busy life, he has found time to devote to several fraternal and benevolent societies, among which may be mentioned Capital Lodge, No. 87, I. O. O. F.; Columbia Lodge, No. 42, K. of P.; Red Cloud Tribe, No. 41, I. O. R. M., and the Covenant Mutual. He was married in May 1874, to Miss Margaret, daughter of T. Foley, of this city.

Transcribed by Marla Fitzsimmons.

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 414-415.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies