Sacramento County









     A. W. O’BRIEN.  Since 1895 A.W. O’Brien has been located as a baker in Sacramento, where here he has met with success in his chosen vocation.  He was born in Nova Scotia, June 15, 1866, and when nine years old was brought to the United States by his mother, who located in Alameda county, Cal.  His father died when he was but one year old and thus the responsibility of his training and education fell upon the mother.  She was in maidenhood Sarah Davidson, a member of a sturdy Scotch family.  In the schools of California Alfred W. O’Brien received a common-school education after the completion of which course he procured employment from various firms in Oakland, Cal.  In that city he engaged in driving a bakery wagon until 1891, in which year he went to Portland, Ore., and engaged in the bakery business for himself.    For several years he remained in that city but finally returned to Oakland and engaged in the dairy business.  In 1895 he came to Sacramento and here purchased the property owned by Dr. Gardner, consisting of a building 60x80 feet in dimensions and two stories in height.  By strict business methods he has built up a large bakery business, not only supplying the local trade of the city, but shipping to many of the neighboring towns, running five supply wagons.  The bakery and retail store are located at 1012 J street.

     In 1897 Mr. O’Brien was united in marriage with Rose Hahn, formerly a resident of Ohio.  In the summer of 1905 Mr. O’Brien remodeled his buildings until his bakery is now one of the best equipped in the city of Sacramento.  His residence is located at 1000 H street.  Fraternally he is a member of Concord Lodge No. 117, F. & A.M., and also belongs to Sacramento Lodge No. 2, I.O.O.F., and the Woodmen of the World.  He is a broad minded, enterprising citizen, and liberal contributor to all projects tending toward the public good. 




Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, October 09, 2007.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California  by J. M. Guinn.  Page 660. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Louise E. Shoemaker.




Sacramento County Biographies