Sacramento County








      FREDERICK NOLD.—An experienced, clever plasterer, who is also a very enterprising and successful contractor, well-known throughout Sacramento County, is Frederick Nold, of the capital city, where he was born in what is now the Capital Park, Thirteenth and L Streets, on March 13, 1864.  His parents were Fred and Carrie (Engle) Nold; and his father, mother and the sister, then an infant, came via Panama to California in 1854, and located at Sacramento, where the father rounded out the remainder of his life, dying in 1910, aged eighty-one, full of honor and rich in friends.  Two years later, his devoted wife, the mother of their five children, only two of whom are living—William, of Oakland, and Fred—breathed her last, aged eighty-three, beloved by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

      Fred Nold went to the public schools, and then duty called him, although a mere boy he went to work for a living.  During a laborious apprenticeship, he learned the blacksmith trade; but when once he had mastered that, he gave it up to learn the trade he concluded he would like better, that of the plasterer.  He worked hard, and when ready to set out, he was also ready to set up in business for himself; and for the past thirty-five years he has had his own shop, his own customers, and been his own “boss.”  He plastered many of the best residences in town, and such special buildings as the Kimball and Upson Store, and the Metropolitan Store; and as becomes the pioneer plasterer here, he has finished the plaster part of both the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Jewish Synagogue.  Coming from an old pioneer family, Mr. Nold feels a deep interest in Sacramento, both town and county, in respect to its historic past and to its promising future; and he is ever ready, in his business enterprises, to lend a helping hand in the matter of broad and permanent building.  He belongs to the Builders’ Exchange; and in politics he allies himself with the Republicans.

      In 1907, Frederick Nold was united in marriage with Miss Rose Augusta Egner of Colorado; and they have one child, Helen Rose.



Transcribed by Betty J. Vickroy.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 384.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Betty J. Vickroy.




Sacramento County Biographies