Peter Newman


Peter Newman, proprietor of the El Dorado House, Sacramento, is a native of Germany, born at Alsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, October 24, 1843, his parents being Rudolph and Catharina (Lang) Newman. The father was a cabinet-maker by occupation. Peter Newman was reared at his native place, and there educated from the time he was six years of age until he was fourteen. He then learned the barbers’ trade. In 1864 he went to Mainz, and thence to Hamburg, where on the 3d of August, he took passage on the steamer Titonia to New York, where he arrived on the 17th of August.  From there he started for California, and landed at San Francisco from the steamer Constitution. He proceeded to Sacramento, arriving here on the 8th of February, 1865. On the 28th of the month he went to work at the barber trade with Jacob Heintz (now a farmer) in the City Hotel barber shop, and was so engaged for thirteen years. He then succeeded Mr.  Drijen in the proprietorship of the Philadelphia House, which he conducted until October 13, 1887, when he bought out the El Dorado House and has since conducted the business there. Mr. Newman was married in this city, October 4, 1868, to Miss Frederika Stober, a native of Baden, Germany, whose father died there, the family afterward locating at Rochester. Her mother afterward died in Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. Newman have six children, viz.: Albert J., Frederick William, Minnie Frederika, Henry Peter, Frank Ridgely, and Peter Blaine. Mr. Newman is now trustee of Schiller Lodge, No. 105, I. O. O. F., in which he has passed the chairs.  He was District Deputy Grand Master of the order under M. W. G. M. Ezra Pearson, from May 15, 1880, to May 15, 1882. He is also a member of Occidental Encampment, and of the Canton. He is a member of Union Lodge, No. 58, A. F. & A. M.; of Sacramento Stamm, Red Men, and of the Sacramento Turn-Verein. Politically he is a staunch Republican. Mr. Newman has made his start in Sacramento, commencing work here at $50 a month, and becoming a partner in the business March 10, 1868. Now he is one of the solid men of the city, and a large property gentleman, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of a host of friends.


Transcribed by: Marla Fitzsimmons

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 323-324.

© 2004 Marla Fitzsimmons.

Sacramento County Biographies