Neubourg & Lages, wholesale dealers in brewers’ supplies and
manufacturers of malt, are one of the representative firms of Sacramento. The
house commenced business at Bachmann, Lages & Co., in 1866, the members at
that time being C.F. Bachmann, C. Lages and L. Neubourg. In 1869 they bought
out the interest of C. Weil, in the grocery business, corner of Eleventh and J
Streets, in connection with F.H. Rusch, and that business was thereafter
continued under the name of Lages & Rusch, until the death of Mr. Rusch in
1870. They carried on trade there under the name of Lages & Co., from the
time of Mr. Rusch’s death till 1875, when they sold out the grocery business.
On the 1st of January, 1876, the firm became, by the retirement of
Mr. Bachmann, as at present constituted – Neubourg & Lages. Their extensive
building on Fifth Street has a frontage of sixty feet, by eighty feet in depth,
and is two stories in height with basement, the latter being used in the
manufacture of malt. They also have a mill in operation for the manufacture of
all kinds of meal. Their trade extends throughout Northern and Eastern
California, Nevada and Utah, and is of very large proportions. They also do a
heavy business in the exportation of hops throughout the entire United States
and Europe. Leonard Neubourg of this firm is a native of the principality of
Lippe-Detmold, Northern Germany, born October 21, 1828, his parents being Rev.
Carl (a minister of the Reformed Church), and Johanna (Curtius) Neubourg. He
attended private school to the age of sixteen years, then entered the
mercantile trade as an apprentice, afterward being advanced to the position of
clerk. He came to America in 1854, sailing from Bremerhaven on the 31st
of August, on the steamer Germania, afterward used as a transport during the
Crimean war. He landed at New York September 20, and a couple of weeks later
went to Butler County, and Cincinnati, Ohio. A year later he went to Sheboygan,
Wisconsin, where he clerked and kept books in a brewery. He came to California
in 1859, leaving New York on the steamer Western Star, crossing the Isthmus of
Panama, and landing at San Francisco from the steamer Golden Age, October 16.
He came to Sacramento and clerked for Weil & Co., until the firm of
Bachmann, Lages & Co. was formed in 1866, with him as a member. Mr.
Neubourg was married in 1869 to Miss Dora Kerssenbrock, a native of Germany.
They have six children, viz.: Clara, Annie, Lottie, Ida, Carl and George. He is
a member of Walhalla Grove, U.A.O.D., in which he passed the chairs. He is
president of the Germania Loan & Building Association, and has been one of
its directors for nine years, and president since May 1887. He is a pleasant,
affable gentleman, and a good businessman.
by Debbie Gramlick.
An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California.
By Hon. Win. J. Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 358-359.
© 2004 Debbie Gramlick.