Sacramento County
GEORGE NESCHE, a farmer of San Joaquin
Township, was born in Hanover,
Germany, August 1,
1829. His parents, Henry and Joanna (Bich) Nesche, came to America
in 1836, landing at New York city.
Having learned the miller’s trade in the old country, Mr. Nesche, the father, worked about six months for a man by
the name of Moore, in a flour-mill at Little Beaver, on the Ohio River, in the
State of Ohio. In April, 1837, he proceeded on to Hermann,
Missouri, and there worked for different parties until 1849,
when he purchased land in Gasconade County,
that State, and lived there until the time of his death in 1851. He had
four sons and four daughters. Only two are now living namely: Elizabeth Mahone, of this county, and the subject of this
sketch. The latter, as he grew up, worked at the tanner’s trade and in a
flouring-mill. In April, 1852, he left Hermann,
Missouri, with a company of fifty men and
families, and came overland to this State with ox teams,
having no trouble with the Indians. In September, after a journey
of six months, he reached White Rock, six miles above Hangtown.
He followed mining about six years with moderate success, working on the
ranches during the summer. At the end of this time (in 1858) he returned
to Missouri by way of the Isthmus of Panama and New
York. Visiting there for six months, he
returned again to this State by way of New Orleans
and the Isthmus. In 1859 he purchased 240 acres near Sheldon, in
partnership with Mrs. Bader. In 1869 he sold his share of this land, and
in October returned to Hermann, Missouri,
by railway, and married Miss Julia Hoffman, a native of Hermann,
Missouri, whose parents both died
there. He returned again to California
in March 1870, by overland railway. After renting three years, he purchased his
present property of 160 acres in San Joaquin Township,
twelve miles from Sacramento city, four miles from Elk
Grove, and three miles from Florin. He found his
place comparatively unimproved, but he has brought it up to a fine
condition. The vineyard comprises seven acres, and orchard three acres,
consisting of peaches, pears, plums and apricots. This property is one of
the best in this locality. In his political views Mr. Nesche
is a Republican. His children are: Caroline, born November 26, 1870;
George H., January 7, 1872; Johanna, April 25, 1876, and Celia L., February 12,
by Karen Pratt.
Davis, Hon. Win. J., An
Illustrated History of Sacramento County,
California. Page 547. Lewis Publishing
Company. 1890.
© 2006 Karen Pratt.