Sacramento County
Prominent in the agricultural and
educational circles of Isleton, Sacramento county, Cal., is Jacob Nelson, who,
as a member of the local school board, is rendering good service to his fellow
townsmen and to the school children of this and future generations.
Mr. Nelson's father, Christian Nelson, was
a native of Norway, and upon coming to America made his way to California, where he arrived in 1859. The family settled in Alameda county, Cal., and here Jacob Nelson was born in 1864. While still
a babe, his parents moved to a ranch in the Montezuma Hills, near Denverton, Cal., and there he grew to manhood, receiving his education in
the public schools. Having become familiar with the life of a ranchman,
he adopted that as his vocation, and his ranch is numbered among the most
productive and best in the county. In 1895 Mr. Nelson married Georgietta Knott, whose father, George Andrew Knott, was a
native of Maryland. He came to California in 1852, crossing the plains in the manner of the pioneer
emigrants of that time. His marriage to Janet Craib,
a native of Scotland, occurred in 1858; and it is on this ranch that Jacob
Nelson and his wife are now living. Mr. Knott died in 1899, and his wife
followed him in 1902.
The lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of
Franklin, Sacramento county, includes Mr. Nelson in
its membership, while the Onisbo Chapter No. 164, O.
E. S., claims both Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. He also affiliates with Isleton
Lodge, I. O. O. F. As a farmer, Mr. Nelson takes high rank in his
community, and as a citizen he is ready at all times to encourage any
proposition for the advancement of the interests of his community. He and
his estimable wife hold the esteem of the entire community.
Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.
Source: Willis,
William L., History of Sacramento
County, California, Page 627.
Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.
© 2006 Sally Kaleta.