Sacramento County








HUGH McWILLIAMS.  As a florist and nurseryman Hugh McWilliams is adding his share to the business life of the city of Sacramento, where he ranks among the representative citizens.  In 1863 he was born in Scotland and there received his education, being reared to manhood upon the farm operated by his parents, Alexander and Agnes (McClumpha) McWilliams, both natives of the same country.  At one time his father had charge of valuable estates belonging to residents of London, England, the properties being stocked with high-grade cattle, sheep and Clydesdale horses.  He died at the age of eighty-three years, his wife dying five years later, when in her eighty-first year, having become the mother of eleven children.

            Hugh McWilliams remained in Scotland until he was twenty years of age, in 1883 coming to the United States.  The first two years he spent in Boston, after which he came to California and entered into the employ of Mrs. E. B. Crocker, for five years having the care of the grounds of the Crocker estate.  For two years following he had charge of the Crooks estate in Sonoma county, after which he returned to Sacramento.  He then purchased the Elm Nursery, located on U between Eleventh and Twelfth streets.  This he has improved and developed to a high order.  He makes a specialty of raising all kinds of flowers and plants, which are shipped to all parts of northern California, Utah, and Nevada, doing both a wholesale and retail business.  One of the principal features of his business is funeral work.  He has taken many premiums at the state fairs of California and also during the St. Louis Exposition secured a silver medal for the best collection of plants.  He has developed in his experiments many flowers of rare beauty, while in connection with his nursery he is operating a small fruit ranch of peaches, plums, apricots and berries.  This ranch is located at Sutterville Heights, the original starting point of Sacramento City.  His residence is in the midst of his nursery grounds and is neat and artistic in design.

            Mr. McWilliams was married in Santa Rosa in September, 1894, to Georgie Shaw, a daughter of a merchant of Duncans Mills.  Fraternally Mr. McWilliams is a member of Eldorado Lodge No. 8. I.O.OF., and ex-chief of the Caledonia Association, both of Sacramento, and is also a member of Sequoia Camp, W.O.W.  In politics he supports the Republican party.  Though solicited to accept local offices at the hands of the party he has steadfastly refused to do so.  Occasionally he furnishes articles for the local papers and for the florists’ journals on the growing of carnations and roses.  By all who know him he is held in high esteem and is regarded as one of the enterprising citizens of Sacramento.




Transcribed by Kathy Porter.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California  by J. M. Guinn.  Pages 643-644. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Kathy Porter.




Sacramento County Biographies