HON. GEORGE C. McMULLEN, who owes more to the capital embraced in a fine physical organization and a well-poised brain then to the inherited wealth of a line of ancient ancestors, was born in Perry County Ohio, January 27, 1838, his father being a prosperous farmer in that section.  In 1855 his parents removed to Missouri and thence, two years later, set out for California, making the trip by ox teams without serious mishap.  Mr. McMullen resided first in Solano County, until the fall of 1874, when he came to Sacramento County and purchased a fine ranch of 240 acres known as "Lizzie's Vineyard," situated within a short distance of Brighton, which he conducted for a number of years and brought to a high state of perfection.  Of late Mr. McMullen has been trading and dealing extensively in land, and devoting himself to breeding and raising of the finer grades of horses in stock.  He at present farms a snug place of some seventy-six acres near Brighton, and situated about five miles east of the city.  For four years, beginning in 1884, Mr. McMullen represented the Fourth Supervisors' District of this County, and at the election of November, 1888, was chosen to most responsible position of Sheriff of the County; an office he is peculiarly well-fitted to fill efficiently on account of his wide acquaintance in this section, his quick and ready judgment, his unhesitating determination.  The Board of Supervisors, of which he was member, has made an honorable record for itself in the great amount of public improvements it has accomplished, in the way of laying out the improving roads, the building of bridges, etc., etc.,--more than was effected in the 20 years previously; and what is still more credible, the rate of taxation has been at the same time materially lowered.  Mr. McMullen is a Republican of decided convictions.  For many years he has been an active patron of husbandry.  Mr. McMullen was married Sept. 25, 1859, to Miss Rhoda E. White.  They have five children George Ebner, Irvine H., Lida A., Winfield E., and Edith, the youngest, all residing at home.



An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California.  By Hon. Win. J Davis. Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 257.


Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.