Sacramento County





Among the successful business men of Sacramento, Frank B.  McKevitt holds an honored place, having won his present comer-cial status by his executive ability and fitness for his work.  He was born March 3, 1859, in Truxton, Cortland county, N. Y., where he spent the first eight years of his life, in 1867, moving with his parents, Alexander and Sarah A. (Field) McKevitt, to Clinton, Iowa, where he received his education.  In November, 1877, shortly after his graduation from the Clinton high school, the family re-moved to Vacaville, Cal., where they engaged in fruit growing.  Frank B. McKevitt became deeply interested in the industry and with others formed the Vacaville Branch Fruit Union (fruit pack-ers) of which he was chosen secretary.  Later he organized The Vacaville & Winters Fruit Company and was elected secretary of this concern also, serving until 1892;  in 1894, in partnership with E. F. Pinkham, he succeeded to the business of the said company, incorporating a new organization under the name of Pinkham & McKevitt.  He was at once chosen vice-president, which office he holds at the present time.  In January, 1909, he was selected to fill the position of secretary and manager of the California Fruit Distributors at Sacramento, an organization composed of fourteen fruit shippers whose annual output is over nine thousand cars.  His predecessor in this position had been Lieut.-Gov. Alden Anderson.   Mr. McKevitt is a director and vice-president of the San Monte Fruit Company, apple shippers, of Watsonville, Cal., also of the Kreiger Vinegar Company of Watsonville and a director of the Pajaro Packing Company, and is largely interested in fruit growing and shipping in Tulare county, being the president of the Giant Oak Fruit Company near Exeter.  This company is the owner of five hundred and sixty acres of land, of which the greater part is in fruits, both deciduous and citrus.  For several years Mr. McKevitt was a director in the Bank of Vacaville.  He is vice-president of the California Rex Spray Co. of Benicia, manufacturers of lime and sulphur spray compounds, and is president of the Florin Basket Co. of Florin. 

Mr. McKevitt is a member of the Sutter Club of Sacramento and the Union League Club of San Francisco.  In fraternal cir-cles he is known as a Woodman of the World and a Mason;  he is past master of Vacaville Lodge No. 134, F. & A. M., is a member of Vacaville Chapter No. 81, R. A. M., past commander of Vaca-ville Commandery No. 38. K. T., and a member of Islam Temple, N. M. S., of San Francisco

July 18, 1883, Mr. McKevitt’s marriage took place in San Fran-cisco uniting him with Miss Laura A. Walker, who was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  They have four children:  Thama A., now Mrs. W. G.  Wood of Sacramento;  Frank B. Jr., who is manager of the Pink-ham & McKevitt corporation at Vacaville;  Hazel, now Mrs. J. V.  McClatchy, of Sacramento;  and Harold.  Mr. and Mrs. McKevitt and their charming family have ever enjoyed the highest regard of their many friends. 

The connection of the McKevitt family with the horticultural interests of California is well and favorably known.  Both Al-exander and F. B. McKevitt have always taken an active interest in the building up of the industry, securing the highest quality of fruit, as well as taking deep interest in securing a high market price to reward the industry of the grower.  The name is familiar to all fruit growers in California through the fact that the “McKevitt Cling,” recognized as one of the best white cling stone peaches, was named for Alexander McKevitt, and is one of the two standard varieties of the white cling peach in California.  It is interesting to note that the elder McKevitt discovered this peach growing on the ranch which he purchased, and after he introduced it it received his name.  As Mr. McKevitt is widely interested in fruit in Southern, Central and Northern California there are few men who have a more thorough knowledge of fruit growing or are better posted con-cerning the shipping and marketing of California fruits through-out the United States and Canada, and it is little wonder that he was selected by the California Fruit Distributors for the respon-sible position of manager.

Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.


Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento County, California, Pages 510-513.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.

© 2005 Sally Kaleta.




Sacramento County Biographies