Sacramento County
D. H. McCULLOCH--What electricity, in its manifold applied form, does every day and hour for the benefit of humankind, and how much it may be worth as one of the ameliorating agencies of life, is suggested by the activities of the Electric Service Company, of Oak Park, Sacramento, so ably represented by D. H. McCulloch, of 2941 Thirty-fifth Street. A native of Des Moines, Iowa, he was born on April 15, 1884, the son of D. R and Alice (Hoggarth) McCulloch, who came out to California in October, 1890, when it was still possible to perform a good deal of pioneering for the benefit of the state. They worked hard, made progress, and in forging ahead for themselves, they helped many who traveled or labored with them. Mr. McCulloch was greatly missed, when he laid aside his earthly labors; and Mrs. McCulloch is the center of a circle who believe in and are cheered by her.
Having finished with the public schools, our subject had some private technical training, and then took up mechanical engineering. He then entered the Southern Pacific Railroad Company’s shops, where he remained for five years, and he next went for a year and one-half to the Phoenix Boiler Works in Sacramento. After that, he returned East to Illinois, and entered the Silvas shops at Rock Island, stopping there a year. From Rock Island he went to the Indian Territory, for nine months, and then he was for four months with the Northern Pacific Railroad. Returning to Sacramento, after working at various shops, Mr. McCulloch engaged with the Electrical Supply Company, for a couple of years; and then for a couple of years he was with W. A. Strand. The next four years he was out in the open, ranching in Yolo County, and after that he was in electrical work for himself for ten months. In January, 1922, Mr. McCulloch embarked on his present business. He very naturally belongs to the Oak Park Merchants Club, where he enjoys the prestige of having the best-equipped and best-stocked electrical supply house for miles around.
Married at Sacramento, in 1907, to Miss Katherine Roguin, of the capital city. Mr. McCulloch is now the proud father of two children, Genevieve and David L. McCulloch. He belongs to the Odd Fellows and the Eagles, and he is also a Republican.
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With
Biographical Sketches, Page 920. Historic
Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.