Sacramento County
success in the management of the interests consigned to his supervision proves
that Mr. Mayer possesses talent of an high order. His
long retention with and frequent promotions by a company of vast influence and
worldwide enterprises prove that, in entering its service after having engaged
temporarily in other activities, he found a congenial occupation and one well
suited to his ability. The experiences of early life were not different from
those of other youths who, uncertain of their own preferences in occupative employments, accept any available opening until
they prove their own abilities and ascertain their own inclinations. It was not
long, however, before the desired opportunity came to him and since that time
he has won steadily increasing recognition in the line of his specialty. At
this writing and since October of 1910 he has acted as manager of the Sacramento branch of the Standard Oil Company and as special agent
for the famous organization he has won considerable prestige throughout the
graduate of the high
school of Reading, Pa., his native city, Mr. Mayer has supplemented the study of
text-books by habits of thoughtful reading and observation, so that he now
possesses a fund of information and a general knowledge unsurpassed by many
university graduates. Travel throughout his native country and abroad has added
to his mental outlook and broadened his judgment, giving to him a cosmopolitan
culture that renders his presence a distinct acquisition to the most refined
circles of society. For a time during young manhood he engaged as bookkeeper
with a large firm in Reading, but dissatisfied with the position he left it and took up
a more remunerative engagement as traveling salesman for a large cigar
manufacturer. Meanwhile he had acquired great proficiency in music and his high
standing in that art led to his selection as musical director in one of the
most prominent military colleges of the east, where he remained until 1900, the
year of his first association with the Standard Oil Company.
as a clerk and then as a bookkeeper, Mr. Mayer passed two years in the San
Francisco office of the Standard Oil Company.
During 1902 he had the distinctions of being chosen the first specialty
salesman on the Pacific coast and as such he continued for two years. In 1904
he was sent to South America in the interests of the house. Returning to California in 1905 he was sent immediately to Honolulu for the purpose of establishing the company's business on
the Hawaiian Islands. Several years were devoted to the interests of the
company at that distant point and it was not until March of 1909 that he had
the work so systematized as to render longer residence unnecessary. Coming
again to San Francisco, he soon was sent to Tacoma, Wash., in the interests of
the company and after several months was transferred to South America for the
purpose of looking after very important interests of the company which were
just developing in that country. Returning to San Francisco in 1910 he went to San Jose as special agent of the local branch, and four months he
was transferred to the Sacramento office as manager of all of northern California, Southern
Oregon and east to the Utah line. In this responsible position he has made good and
his efficiency is a matter of common knowledge among officials in charge of the
western work of the Standard Oil Company. With all of his business cares he has
found leisure for prominent participation in Masonry and is a member of the
various bodies, including the Knights Templar, Ancient and Accepted Scottish
rite; and is a life member of Islam Temple, N. M. S., San Francisco. Locally he is a member of the Sutter Club, the Chamber of
Commerce, and various other bodies. Politically he has been independent, voting
for the man and the principle rather than for any certain party. In religion he
has been an attendant of the Episcopal Church and a generous contributor to the
philanthropies and missionary movements of the denomination.
Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.
Source: Willis, William L., History of Sacramento
County, California, Pages 526-529. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1913.
© 2005 Sally Kaleta.