Sacramento County










      HARRY C. MARTINE.--The musical interests of Sacramento County are certainly well cared for, if one may judge from the activities and the remarkably satisfactory results of such an institution as the Martine School of Music, under the efficient and popular management of Harry C. Martine, a native of Manchester, N. H., who came to California a good quarter of a century ago, bringing with him all that stands for Yankee genius, and luckily finding here, especially in the capital city, a larger and better field for the exercise and development of his rare talents.  His parents were H. C. and Olive Martine.

      Harry Martine began his musical studies early with S. H. Gerrish, John Flocton, Thomas Senyor and other capable teachers in Boston, during ten years, and during that time he himself gave piano lessons, not merely increasing his income, but adding to his knowledge by trying to teach someone else.  Later, he studied in Portland, Ore., Oakland and with Edward Finck, Rosewald W. Vincent and others, and in 1900 he located at Sacramento, where he opened the Martine School of Music, which has been more and more patronized.  In addition to teaching music, Professor Martine has also written much on musical topics for the “Pacific Coast Musician,” and other magazines, and has published a number of piano compositions for teaching purposes.

      In this important, progressive work in higher education and the formation of a better taste on the part of the public for musical art, Professor Martine has the valuable and faithful assistance of Annette Martine, pianist and teacher of repute.  She finished an academic course at Milwaukee, Wis., and a collegiate course at St. Mary’s, at Notre Dame, Ind., and then studied Mason’s touch and technique with Mrs. Annen, a pupil of Dr. Mason, and aesthetic analysis with W. S. B. Mathews, and also a special study of Chopin’s works with Thieman, of Berlin.  Later, she studied organ, and for ten years had important positions as church organist.  In 1921, she located in Sacramento; and with her husband, she is active not only in the management of the institute, but in teaching piano and theory, the Martine School paying special attention to piano.  Professor and Mme. Martine have certificates from the University of America at Washington, D.C., and being certified by Alexander Henneman, examiner for the Art Publication Society, they have authority to conduct a normal school.  The normal students of the Martine School of Music are certified both by the Kroeger School of St. Louis, and by E. R. Kroeger of that school, and only certified teachers are employed by the Martine School of Music.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 479.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Donna L. Becker.




Sacramento County Biographies