RALPH H. LEWIS.—A lawyer with a successful practice as a high-principled attorney, is Ralph H. Lewis, who was born at Windsor, Colo., on November 9, 1892, the son of C. C. and Etta (Butler) Lewis, the latter now deceased, after a life of blessed usefulness to others. The couple were pioneers, and contributed what they could for the betterment of the new and fast-developing country in which they for years pitched their tent.
Lewis owes his formal education to the grammar and high schools for which
Colorado has long been famous, and the University of Colorado, where he pursued
excellent courses for two years, an also Drake University, of Des Moines, from
whose law school, in 1915, he was graduated with the LL. B. degree. Since
1916 he has been practicing his profession in
1917, Mr. Lewis was married to Miss Anne Zangerle, a
native daughter and a member of an interesting
Transcribed 8-6-07
Marilyn R. Pankey.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 987. Historic Record Company,
© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.