Sacramento County








      FRANK J. LEWIS.–A successful and enterprising young rancher who is proud of being a native son is Frank J. Lewis, who was born on the Pocket road three and one-half miles south of Sacramento, August 11, 1879. His father, Frank Lewis, was born on the Island of Fayal, Azores Group, and came to California when nineteen years of age in 1874, and located in Sacramento County. Here he married Miss Mary Flora Rose, also born in Fayal, and in this county they were successful farmers and raised their family of six children: Frank J., the subject of this interesting review; Mrs. Mary Freitas; Joseph; Mrs. Minnie Vargas; Mrs. Louisa Dutra; and Manuel, all living in the vicinity of their birthplace and old home except Mrs. Vargas, who lives at Florin. The father passed away in 1919, the mother having preceded him in 1905.

      Frank J. Lewis was reared on the home farm, making himself generally useful from the time he was a small boy. At the same time he received a good education in the Lisbon grammar school. He continued with his father, all working together in harmony at ranching and dairying, so that when the father died they owned two small ranches. After his death Frank J. and his brother Manuel purchased the present ranch of 285 acres, a part of the old McNassal ranch, and began the improvements of residence buildings and alfalfa fields that have made it one of the model dairy farms in the district. Two pumping plants have been installed, one from the river, and one from wells, giving ample water for irrigating their 100 acres of alfalfa and ten-acre pear orchard, as well as the other crops. Their dairy herd is composed of seventy head of high-grade Holstein milk cows. He is chairman of the board of directors of Reclamation District No. 673, having been a member of the board since 1907.

      In Auburn, Cal., April 28, 1908, Mr. Lewis was united in marriage with Miss Clara Marshall, who was born at Newcastle, a daughter of Manuel and Minnie (Armas) Marshall, natives of Fayal and Flores, respectively, who were early settlers and farmers in Placer County. The mother is dead, but Mr. Marshall continues to reside at the old home. They had a family of nine children, eight girls and one boy: Minnie, Joseph, Mary, Josie, Clara, Frances, Julia, Carrie, and Jennie, the latter being deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis’ union has been blessed with one child, Jack Lewis.

      Mr. Lewis for some years served as school trustee of Lisbon district. He is a past president of the I. D. E. S., and is a member of the U. P. E. C., as well as Sunset Parlor, N. S. G. W. Mrs. Lewis is a past president of the U. P. P. E. C., and also a past grand vice-president of the order. They both were active during the war in Liberty Loan and allied war drives, and they are protectionists and Republicans.




Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 7/26/07.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 976.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Vicky Walker.




Sacramento County Biographies