Sacramento County
LaRUE, Jr.
A sturdy California son of a sturdy Kentucky sire is the subject of this sketch, and the two men of
like blood and like name may to some extent blend together in this story.
It is a far cry from the 'Land of Gold' back to the 'Dark and Bloody Ground,'
and a long lap of years between '66, the day Hugh McElroy LaRue,
Jr., and '30, the day of Hugh McElroy LaRue,
Sr. The father, whose coming across the plains was in the famous fall of
'49, had been digging around in the mines and on the ranches of California
about seventeen years when the young man was born. This first incident in
his life, October 1, 1866,
took place on the homestead ranch of the Rancho del Paso, possibly more known
as the Norris Grant, situated near Sacramento
City. In all California's golden acres may be found no
more noble tract of soil, rich leagues of oaken hill and dale, and here within
these auspicious surroundings he began his span of life. Nor was he the
only junior in that family circle. There were five, he being third of the
four boys, whose order of birth was, Jacob Eugene, Calhoun Lee, Hugh Mcelroy and John Rush. There was a lone sister to
this quartet of brothers, by name Marie Virginia, who early passed away.
Their mother in her pre-marriage day was Miss E. M. Lizenby,
daughter of Thomas Lizenby, a
prominent pioneer in the history of Lewis County, Mo. She is a
half-sister of Rev. William M. Rush of the Missouri Conference of the M. E.
Church, and of the Hon. John A. Rush, formerly state senator from Colusa County, but later attorney-general of Arizona. Hence the source and inspiration
of John Rush LaRue's name. Soon after
the birth of his fourth son, the father disposed of his interest in the
homestead tract, and invested in about two thousand acres in Yolo County. A further investment was in a one hundred and
forty- acre vineyard near Yountville, Napa county. The elder sons, Jacob and
Calhoun, were placed in charge of these properties and the family removed to Sacramento. Here Hugh LaRue attended
the city public schools and prepared for the State University. H. M. LaRue, Sr., was
nearly all his life a public man, taking an active part in state agricultural
and legislative matters, and in such surroundings the younger man grew up,
making full preparation for a useful after-life. He went through the University
Of California with the class of '90, studied law and was admitted to
practice two years after. He was with Judge McKune
of Sacramento for ten years, and in 1808 opened an office and went into
business for himself. He is now president of the Sacramento Abstract and
Title Company, of which firm his brother, John R. LaRue,
is a prominent member. Mr. LaRue was married June 5, 1907, to Miss Edith Hughson, daughter of W. A. Hughson, a
former well-known physician of that city. He is a member of the Elks,
also of the Sutter and University Clubs. His home is at No. 1044 Cutter Avenue, Sacramento.
Transcribed by
Sally Kaleta.
Source: Willis, William L., History
of Sacramento County, California, Page 435-436. Historic
Record Company, Los
CA. 1913.
© 2005 Sally Kaleta.