Sacramento County









      JOSEPH E. KANE. Identified with the business interests of Sacramento as a member of the firm of Kane and Trainor, wholesale and retail dealers in ice, Joseph E. Kane is named among the representative citizens of this section. He is a native of the state of Maryland, where his birth occurred in December, 1844. His parents, James M. and Clara (Cadmus) Kane, were also natives of that state, where the father engaged in farming and stock-raising until his retirement from the active cares of life. Joseph E. Kane passed his youth in his native state, where for a time he attended the public schools and later a select school, where he prepared for Bath College, at Baltimore, Md., where he was a student for three years. Upon leaving school he returned home and for the ensuing two years assisted his father on the home farm, after which for four years he was in the employ of Landis and Eaton. In 1868 he came to California and, locating in San Francisco, entered the employ of Philip Caduce, later becoming his manager. He finally became clerk in the state printing office under Captain Young, state printer, and later under Colonel Sharp and others, being then located in Sacramento. After leaving the printing office he entered the employ of the Buffalo Brewing Company, taking charge of the ice-plant, a position he held for nine years. Upon the consolidation of the company he, with Mr. Trainor, mentioned at length in another part of this volume, continued the management of the ice-plant, in which they are now engaged.

      In 1899 Mr. Kane married Gertrude E. Knecht, a native of Pennsylvania, where she passed the years of her girlhood. In young womanhood she came to California in Sacramento formed the acquaintance of Mr. Kane, whose first wife had died some time before. Mr. And Mrs. Kane are both hospitable and enjoy a wide circle of friends. Mr. Kane is fond of sport, being a good horseman and rifleman, one of his favorite recreations being duck shooting. He is a successful business man and has won a competence for himself since coming to California.



Louise E. Shoemaker Transcriber, November 09th, 2007. 

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California” by J. M. Guinn.  Pages 1680-1681. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2007 Louise E. Shoemaker.




Sacramento County Biographies