Sacramento County
MISS MARY JUDGE.—Probably one of the
best informed of the comparatively few who have made a study of the needs of
the poor people of the county, is Miss Mary Judge, the capable secretary of the
county charities. She is a native daughter of Sacramento,
born in the family residence located at Eighth and K Streets, a daughter of
Michael and Celia (Kane) Judge. Michael Judge was the first settler on the
Sacramento River in 1852, where he farmed for fifteen
years; the floods of 1861-1862 were so disastrous that he moved to higher
ground, where he continued his farming operations. He was employed on the
state Capitol building, and later became an employee of the Southern Pacific
Railroad Company and was finally pensioned; he passed away in 1909, his wife
having preceded him in 1900.
Judge began her education in the public schools of Sacramento
and completed her education in a Catholic convent in that city. On
February 1, 1911, she became secretary of the county charities, which position
she has so capable and conscientiously filled that the entire community is
indebted to her; she takes an active part in the affairs of the Relief Society,
the Woman’s Club and the Daughters of America. Miss Judge supports the
principles of the Democratic party.
Transcribed 4-19-07
Marilyn R. Pankey.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 663. Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.