JOHNSTON, an eminent farmer residing a few miles south of Sacramento, was born
at Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, eight miles from Pittsburg;
came to California in 1849 with a party of 300, who engaged in mining. After engaging himself in the same business
in El Dorado County for about a year, with varying results, he bought a
squatter’s title to a quarter section of land, where
he has since resided, a prosperous farmer.
He is eminent as a Granger, having held the chief offices in the State
in that order, and been twice a delegate to the National Grange. For the past five years he has been president
of the Granger’ Co-operative Business Association, a director and vice-president
of the People’s Savings Bank in Sacramento since its organization, and recently
Junior Warden of the Masonic Grand Lodge.
He was a member of the Legislative Assembly in 1871—’72, and of the
Senate in 1880—’81, of which body he was president pro tem., and in 1883 was a member of the
State Board of Equalization. In all his
public positions he has given good satisfaction. He acts with the Republican party.
Transcribed by Karen Pratt.
Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Page 576. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.
© 2006
Karen Pratt.