JOSEPH JENSEN.—The progress in recent
years of California agriculture, pointing the way to farmers generally
throughout the country as to the most approved methods, is due in part to such
enterprising and industrious ranchers as Joseph Jensen, whose attractive farm
lies along the Placerville Road. He is a native of Denmark, but for twenty
years or more he has helped to develop the resources of the favored district,
which is today one of the most promising in California. He was born on
August 28, 1878, and his parents were Yorgen and
Annie Jensen, worthy and substantial farmer folk, both living and thriving in
the old country. Joseph attended the excellent Danish schools, then worked
as a farmer, and at the age of twenty-three came out to the
Mrs. Jensen was Miss Carrie Jensen, before her marriage,
and they were married at
Transcribed 8-9-07
Marilyn R. Pankey.
Source: Reed, G.
Walter, History of Sacramento County,
California With Biographical Sketches, Page 987. Historic Record Company,
© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.