Sacramento County








      ALEXANDER CULBERSON HENRY.—A highly esteemed official, widely known and popular among the fellow-members of his fraternal order throughout the state, is Alexander Culberson Henry, the efficient custodian of the Masonic Temple at Sacramento. He is a Canadian by origin, having been born at Toronto, on August 28, 1866; and has (sic) father was Alexander Henry, who had married Miss Ruth Hunter. They were well-situated citizens of the great domain to our north; and they lived and died in their country, esteemed and honored.

      Alexander Henry improved his opportunities in the grammar and high school courses of the Canadian city, long famous for its popular education, and then he became a tonsorial artist, and worked at his trade for twelve years. His skill also secured for him a ten-year contract with the Southern Pacific, and he was stationed by them at Rocklin. He reached California as early as 1891, and in 1911 came to Sacramento, where he was a foreman for three years with the Union Oil Company. After that, he mined for a couple of years at Placerville, and then he was engineer for the St. Francis Hotel for two years. In all of these varied engagements, Mr. Henry had exceptional opportunities to study human nature and also to be himself drilled in loyal, dependable service; and it is not surprising that in March, 1922, he should be appointed to the very responsible post of custodian of the Masonic Temple, at Sacramento. He experience, his natural liking for work, his temperament and desire to serve—all these have drawn to him a wide circle of good friends, who are gratified that he should be placed where he is.

      In the year 1890 Mr. Henry was married to Miss Eliza Hamilton, of Canada, an accomplished woman who has materially helped her husband to attain to his present encouraging advancement; and their one son, Culberson Hamilton, bids fair to do high honor to the family name. He spent a year in the American service overseas, during the World War, and he is now one of the staff of the state forestry, helping to do the great work annually accomplished by that invaluable department. Mr. Henry is a Knight Templar Mason and a Shriner.



Transcribed 6-19-07 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 899.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.




Sacramento County Biographies