Sacramento County








      ALVIN L. HEIM.--The standing of any community largely depends upon the character of those who represent it in official capacities, and as assessor and collector of the Fair Oaks Irrigation District Alvin L. Heim is making a highly commendable record, proving a most capable incumbent of the office. He was born in Warrick County, Ind., March 4, 1864, a son of Adolph W and Letitia (Lockyear) Heim, and was reared upon the home farm. He attended the country schools of that vicinity and completed his education in the high school at Evansville.

      In 1909 Mr. Heim started for the West, and two years later located in Fair Oaks, where he has since resided. In 1912 he bought ten acres of the Lamiman estate. He now has a fine mixed orchard upon his land, utilizing the most modern and progressive methods in the operation of his ranch, which is a well-developed property. In 1917 his fellow-citizens honored him with election to the office of assessor and collector of the Fair Oaks Irrigation District for a term of two years, and indorsement of his first terms’ service came in his re-election in February 1919, and again in 1923. He is systematic, efficient and trustworthy, and his services are thoroughly appreciated.

      By his first marriage Mr. Heim has five daughters, all of whom are residing in Indiana. For his second wife he chose Miss Vena Bishop, whom he married in 1915. She is a daughter of E. W. and M. M. Bishop, of State Center, Iowa. She is now the mother of three children: Adolph, Alvin and Thalia.

      Mr. Heim is well-informed on questions of public moment, and has made numerous contributions to the press of Indiana. He is probably the best-read Socialist worker in this state, and his views of life are similar to those entertained by Upton Sinclair, the well-known author. Mr. Heim has twice been a candidate for the state legislatures of California and Indiana on the platform of the Socialist party. He has also been a candidate for the position of state superintendent of public instruction, and was once the nominee of his party for Congress. He has never been an idle sentimentalist, but rather a worker; and while he holds to high ideals, he utilizes practical methods in their adoption. Thoroughness and devotion to duty are his out-standing characteristics, and Fair Oaks numbers him among its foremost citizens.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches, Page 947.  Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA. 1923.

© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.




Sacramento County Biographies