Sacramento County
FRED J. HARRIS.--The bar of Sacramento City and county is well represented in the person of Fred J. Harris, city prosecuting attorney of Sacramento and one of the leading lawyers of the northern part of California. He was born in Iron River, Mich., on November 15, 1883, a son of James and Sophia (Sherman) Harris, and one of seven children born to this worthy couple, five of whom are now living. James Harris was a miner and met an accidental death in a mine accident in 1896. Mrs. Harris remained in Michigan until 1910, when she came with her family to Sacramento; and she has since lived here.
Fred J. Harris received his education in the grammar and high schools of Iron Mountain; then he entered the University of Michigan and was graduated with the class of ’08 with the degree of L. L. B. Upon removing to Sacramento in 1910 he became associated with Charles O. Busick in the practice of law until his election to the superior bench in 1915; since then he has carried on private practice. In 1921 he was appointed city prosecuting attorney; and in this position of much responsibility his retentive memory, his deep knowledge of the law and his clear logic have particularly fitted him to capably fill his office to the satisfaction of all concerned. He maintains his offices in the Mitau Building, where he carries on his independent practice.
Mr. Harris is a Republican in politics and has been identified with the progressive branch of this party. He belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery in Masonry and the Ben Ali Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., and is a past master of Concord Lodge No. 117, F. & A. M. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the D. O. K. K., and the Lions Club, and is a member of Westminister Presbyterian Church. As a public-spirited citizen he aims to help boost Sacramento County and has won a host of friends in his adopted city.
Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
Source: Reed, G. Walter, History of Sacramento County, California With Biographical Sketches,
Pages 902-903. Historic Record Company,
Los Angeles, CA. 1923.
© 2007 Jeanne Taylor.