Sacramento County








      JAMES H. HAMILTON, a rancher of Sutter Township, was born May 9, 1832, in Kentucky, and is the son of James and Sarah (Lewis) Hamilton, natives also of Kentucky. The grandfather of James H., also named James, was a native of Scotland, came to America before the Revolutionary War, in which he served as a soldier. In his family were three children: William D., Mary A., wife of Boone McDonald, and they resided in Kentucky until their death, and James. In the family of the father of the subject of this sketch were thirteen children, six sons and seven daughters. The sons were: William, John, Andrew, McCrager, Matthew and James H. The latter was brought up on a farm in Kentucky until he was seventeen years of age, when he learned the carpenter’s trade, and followed it some three years in Kentucky and eleven years in Callaway County, Missouri; he and his wife and one child, in 1864, came to California overland, with mule teams, consuming four and a half months’ time. Going direct to the Cosumnes River he commenced farming for himself, and was engaged in that pursuit two years. He then tried his hand at gold-mining, and found that, after a six-months trial, it took two dollars to make one. Quitting that he went to Sebastopol, in Sacramento County, and purchased land from the State, commenced stock-raising, and continued that business until 1881, with marked success. In that year he sold out and bought his present property of 120 acres, five miles south of Sacramento and one mile east of the Freeport road. This land is specially adapted to fruit. Four acres are in strawberries and five acres in choice varieties of peach, plum, French prunes, Hungarian prunes, silver prunes, apricots, apples, Bartlett pears, nectarines, almonds, persimmons, English and black walnuts, and some of the finest grafted orange trees in this part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have made one visit to his old home in Kentucky, and to his mother, who is still living in St. Charles, Missouri, at the age of ninety-one years. After making that visit he was glad that he had a home in California, to which he might return. Mr. Hamilton has been a member of Callaway Lodge, No. 105, I. O. O. F.; is now a member of Sacramento Lodge, No. 2, of the same order, and also of Sacramento Grange, No. 12. In 1856 he married Miss Rebecca La Rue, a native of Virginia, born November 11, 1834, and a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth La Rue, both deceased; mother died in 1867. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have two children: the daughter, Annie E., born in Callaway County, Missouri, June 15, 1861, is the wife of H. W. Foster; and the son, George L., born November 13, 1871, is now attending the Sacramento Business College.



Transcribed 9-14-07 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Davis, Hon. Win. J., An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. Pages 639-640. Lewis Publishing Company. 1890.

© 2007 Marilyn R. Pankey.




Sacramento County Biographies